February 2025 Content Update Student Core


10 new titles were added to the Student Core Collection in February 2025. There are now 698 titles in the Student Core collection. If you subscribe to this package, see a full title list in your Admin account (log-in required) or email support@credoreference.com with any questions.

New Student Core Titles: 


Animal: Human

ISBN: 9781789142143

A funny, bold and provocative enquiry into what it means to be human.


Britain's Insects: A Field Guide to the Insects of Great Britain and Ireland

ISBN: 9780691179278

This is the go-to guide for entomologists, naturalists, gardeners, wildlife photographers and anyone else interested in insects, whatever their level of knowledge.


Crabs: A Global Natural History

ISBN: 9780691201719

A richly illustrated natural history of the world's crabs that examines their diversity, ecology, anatomy, behavior, and more.


Kosmos: Asteroids

ISBN: 9781789143584

Grounded in historical studies of asteroids from the nineteenth century, Asteroids is a fully up to date view of these remarkable objects.


Kosmos: Mars

ISBN: 9781789142204

Mars follows our longstanding love affair with this bewildering world, from the musings of humanity's first stargazers, to the imaginings of science-fiction writers and film-makers, to the latest images and discoveries from orbiting spacecraft and robotic rovers.


Princeton Field Guides: Common Bees of Eastern North America

ISBN: 9780691175492

Common Bees of Eastern North America is the first species-level photographic field guide to the most commonly seen bees in the eastern United States and Canada.


Princeton Field Guides: Plant Galls of the Western United States

ISBN: 9780691205762

Plant Galls of the Western United States explores this unique realm with stunning photos and fascinating information about the life cycles of the organisms involved.


Wild Nature Press: Field Guide to Sharks, Rays & Chimaeras of Europe and the Mediterranean

ISBN: 9780691205984

The definitive field guide to all the sharks, rays and chimaeras of the European Atlantic and Mediterranean.


WILDGuides of Britain & Europe: Britain's Butterflies: A Field Guide to the Butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland

ISBN: 9780691205441

Britain's Butterflies is a comprehensive and beautifully designed photographic field guide to the butterflies of Britain and Ireland.


WILDGuides of Britain & Europe: Britain's Orchids: A Field Guide to the Orchids of Great Britain and Ireland

ISBN: 9780691177618

Britain's Orchids is an engaging, intuitive and in-depth identification guide to all the orchids of Britain and Ireland at all stages of development, from first emergence to setting seed.


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