March 2020 Content Update Student Core


2 new titles were added to the Student Core Collection in March 2020. We also retired one title, Bloomberg QuickTake, from the Student Core Collection. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause!

There are now 477 titles in the Student Core collection. If you subscribe to this package, see a full title list in your Admin account (log-in required), or check it out on our corporate site.


New Student Core Titles: 


The Oxford Companion to International Relations

ISBN: 9780199738878

The Oxford Companion to International Relations examines the international relations and political dynamics of countries, peoples, and organizations and allows politics to be viewed from a wider foundation and interconnected relationships.


The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Science, Medicine, and Technology

ISBN: 9780199766666

The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Science, Medicine, and Technology covers these topics from the early colonial era to present-day.

There were no updated titles this month. A list of updated and retired titles is always available upon request to

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