2023 Credo Source platform refresh and URL change



We've completed the migration! Don't forget to update your Source link to https://credosource.infobase.com. Please email support@credoreference.com with any issues or feedback. 

Known issues as of 9/5/2023:

  • Some accounts have not been allocated the correct content, and may not see results when searching. We hope to have this resolved very shortly. 
  • Usage stats and MARC records do not yet appear in the new Admin portal. The legacy Admin site at https://admin.credoreference.com has been left active for these purposes. 
  • WAM Proxies and other alternate proxy formats are experiencing some issues on the Credo login page and with the new Infobase ID URL format. WAM access to the legacy URL https://search.credoreference.com should be supported.
  • Shibboleth/SAML access is now working for federation members or if you have added the following metadata to your system:
    . We reached out to technical contacts on August 23 in preparation for the resolution. Please contact support@credoreference.com to discuss using alternate forms of access temporarily. 
  • Two of the static links back to your library pages, which used to be associated with your logo in the old platform, are not showing. We intend to fix this and restore the legacy data. 
  • Areas of Admin are "frozen" for some customers, particularly "Links to Other Databases" and "Links." Please report this to support@credoreference.com
  • If you are part of a consortial purchase of content, this is not yet appearing correctly in your account. This does not affect subscription content such as the Core or Essentials Collections. We hope to have this resolved soon.
  • The legacy ILCM product (vle.credoreference.com) has been retired.

Resolved issues as of 9/5/2023:

  • OpenAthens access no longer has the pending issue where there is a waypoint of having to select your institution from the login page in order to access. You should now be able to access directly with the OA redirector prefix. Deeplinks with the redirector prefix should now take you to the correct content.
  • Proxied permalinks will now durably link to the book or article. If you are still having any EZ Proxy issues, please contact support@credoreference.com.
  • Proxied "My Library Resources" and "Search Other Sites" are now properly encoded and most proxies have been updated to handle the encoding. Please note that the "Search other sites" links still have multiple issues (see above).
  • Unrecognized URLs are now redirecting to the homepage instead of showing a 404 error. 
  • The "usage booster" available on the Admin site is now compatible with LibGuides. If you have any issues with the display or function of these widgets, please contact support@credoreference.com.
  • Mind Map embeds taken from the legacy platform now display as expected.
  • The "Search other sites" links issues have been resolved. If you're having issues, please contact support@credoreference.com for a review. 

8/10/23: There will be a temporary freeze on updates to the legacy Admin portal, starting today August 10. If you'd like any Admin changes made, please contact . You can still run reports and generate title lists and MARC records with your usual Admin credentials, but will be logged out if you navigate to any customization pages.



The Source Reference platform will be getting a refresh this August! The work will begin Saturday, August 19, 2023 and is anticipated to take about 24 hours, during which there may be access disruptions. There will be banners with messaging to communicate with users during this time. The new platform should be available to all customers on Monday, August 21.


What will change?

  • The platform URL will change. The new URL is https://credosource.infobase.com. This link is live now, and will point to the new platform starting 8/21. The starting point URL should be updated to this new URL; for help updating other link formats, such as catalog records or search boxes, please email support@credoreference.com.
  • The Admin URL will change. The new Credo Admin URL will be https://admin.infobase.com/ starting on August 21. This site will be accessed with your existing Admin credentials (unless they begin with stats@ - see next point).The legacy Admin pages will remain available for a period of time, we hope at least until the end of the year, to allow users to run their historical stats. There should be banners in the legacy Admin platform that will point you to the new platform if you don't have the direct URL handy.
  • Any limited-access log-in starting with “stats@” will be retired, as there is no equivalent function in the Infobase Admin. 
  • The name is different! The platform is now “Credo Source” rather than “Source Reference.” You’ll be able to download a new logo widget with the updated URL in the Admin portal after August 21, or find a logo image here now. 
  • We’ve done a light redesign of the user site, with a cleaner homepage and dedicated Mind Map and Advanced Search pages. See the video and PDF below for more information.
  • If you are using Google Authentication, you should use a new URL to point directly to that login type. The correct information will be sent directly to affected subscribers.

What will NOT change?

  • All current authentication methods and credentials will be supported.
  • The subscribed and/or purchased content in your account will continue to be available. 
  • Your customization (logo, links, connections to other resources) will be carried over.

Please contact support@credoreference.com for more information.


8/10/23: There will be a temporary freeze on updates to the legacy Admin portal, starting today August 10. If you'd like any Admin changes made, please contact . You can still run reports and generate title lists and MARC records with your usual Admin credentials, but will be logged out if you navigate to any customization pages.


8/3/23: We've just released a new Change Deck (PDF) and video (below) comparing the features of the old and new platforms. 





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